Want to
detect and stop fraud
in your organisation?

Ethics hotlines are proven to be your greatest asset

Enquire now about our
Whistleblowing Service

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Fraud is any act that involves intentional misrepresentation for the purposes of illegitimate gain.

Whether it is perpetrated by outsiders or insiders, or by outsiders working with insiders, fraud can cause your organisation to suffer significant financial loss. Prevent fraud in the workplace with the swift, early detection of fraud. It is imperative in all organisations regardless of size.


Did you know that tips from employees and suppliers are responsible for more instances of fraud detection than any other method?

This is a consistent finding of the global studies undertaken annually by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).

Big or small
fraud can affect us all

Here is why Whistle Blowers proudly provides an independent, multi-channel ethics hotline to both the smallest businesses and the largest organisations:


are especially vulnerable to fraud. Studies show that fraud takes longer on average to detect in a small business, by which time it can be so big that it destroys a business or practice. This is the case when a lot of responsibility is entrusted to a few people, for example when a receptionist at a medical practice is responsible for banking and accounting as well as patient record administration.


have better segregation of duties, management controls and benefit from regular audits. What they cannot achieve is perfect line of sight across and through multiple locations and staffing levels. Fortunately there will be good people who care about the organisation’s best interests and who are willing to speak up about wrongdoing - if they have a safe way to do so.

Don’t be a needless victim. Be proactive and provide your employees and other stakeholders with a way to help you fight fraud.

An independent, multichannel ethics hotline service is a highly affordable and most effective tool in your fight against fraud. Their access to a secure and anonymous fraud hotline empowers good people to speak up to secure your best interests.

You are more likely to identify fraud in your business by guaranteeing the anonymity and protection of whistleblowers with an ethics hotline service managed on an independent basis by Whistle Blowers.

Make our multi-channel reporting service with 24/7 live answering available to your staff and stakeholders and immediately benefit from many more sets of eyes and ears focused on your business’s best interests.

Benefit from professional advice on responding to disclosures, undertaking effective investigations and complying with the requirements of whistleblowing protection laws.



Since 2000 our large private and public sector client base has enjoyed full confidence in our integrity as an ethics hotline service provider. Our annual certification by The Ethics Institute, as meeting the exacting SafeLine-EX standard, brings expert assurance to our promise.

We deliver our multichannel reporting service wherever in the world our clients operate. In fact, our service is used from six of the world’s seven continents – that means we cover the globe with the exception of the Antarctica.



Our live call answering information agents handle calls in 17 languages. These include all of the official South African languages, Arabic, French, Luganda, Portuguese, Shona and Swahili.

“Our ‘My say – My way’ commitment means that reports can be made by phone, email, mobile app, webform, WhatsApp, SMS, fax and postal address

All information received is integrated into actionable reports that are delivered to the client organisation according to strict timelines. Report content is quality assured for accuracy and for anonymisation – no information that could reveal the identity of anonymous reporters is shared.


Culture of Awareness

We offer superior training and awareness interventions and materials that promote a culture of integrity and the importance of speaking up in the workplace. Our induction training can be delivered live by one of our experts and can reach even your most remote team members via our e-learning options.


With experienced information agents trained in investigative interviewing, we are equipped to distinguish malicious from authentic calls and to deter the abuse of your hotline facility.
This promotes the protection of innocent parties and limits the unnecessary allocation of your resources to unwarranted investigations.

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Interested in the
Whistle Blowers Service
for your business?

Enquire below and we’ll submit a proposal based on your specific requirements.

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